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Saying Goodbye

Hello Everyone!  This was my last week in Italy before I head back to my home in Tennessee! Yay! Last week started off slow after mass on Sunday with journaling, napping, and prayer. We then headed … Read more about Saying Goodbye

Hello Sorrento

Ciao Everyone!! Last week started off early with us getting up at 4 am to catch our flight to Sorrento. We then were spoiled with a  delicious welcome lunch from the church we are partnering with. … Read more about Hello Sorrento

Let The Fun Begin

Hi Friends!  I can’t believe it’s July already and I only have two more weeks left in Italy! Last week we started off with a great church service followed by the beach on Sunday. Monday we headed … Read more about Let The Fun Begin

Life In Sicily

Heyo!  Last week was quite  busy with us leaving Pisa at 4:20 am to walk to the airport to catch our flight to Sicily. Upon arriving to Sicily, our host graciously brought us a bunch of Sicilian … Read more about Life In Sicily

Adventure Week

Hello everybody!  Wow! I actually can’t believe that I have been in Italy for a month!! Last week started off rough with me pulling a muscle in my leg while dancing and then waking up sick the next … Read more about Adventure Week

Jesus & Gelato

Hello everyone! Ciao from Follonica! It’s been a busy week with classes, outreach, community dinners and adventures. I’m so grateful to be taught by incredible mentors and teachers. Paul taught us … Read more about Jesus & Gelato

When In Rome

Hi Friends! I can’t believe that I’ve already been in Italy for a week! It feels just like yesterday that our whole group traveled many miles and hours to arrive in this beautiful country. It’s … Read more about When In Rome

Join The Journey

Hi Friends! I am so excited that you are wanting to join me in my experience to Italy through these blog posts. This trip is such an answered prayer as I have been dreaming, praying and desiring to … Read more about Join The Journey