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Ciao Everyone!!

Last week started off early with us getting up at 4 am to catch our flight to Sorrento. We then were spoiled with a  delicious welcome lunch from the church we are partnering with. Lastly we had a lovely dinner with our Italian host family. Tuesday we then headed on our way to Pompeii to see the city and learn about its history. Wednesday we had  classes and an amazing authentic Italian lunch. There was lots of food consumed and laughter to be shared. Thursday was quite a long and busy day consisting of a prayer meeting, prayer walking, classes, napping and then a birthday party that went until midnight. Friday we went to class to have some great teachings and then headed to gelato to get a yummy treat to start the weekend. Lastly Saturday was an adventure day to Naples where we went to the first pizzeria and got to sit on a rooftop of a hotel with a beautiful view of the city. I hope all of you are able to see and experience God’s blessings in your life. 


Bailey Lawson 


2 responses to “Hello Sorrento”

  1. Did someone on your team have a birthday? Happy birthday 🥳 it seems like gelato is a daily staple of the Italian diet! Hope you’re having a great time in Sorrento/Naples!

  2. Sorrento was one of our very favorite little cities to visit. Isle of Capri was a fun walk around the island.I So glad you got to see Pompeii and Naples. We also went for pizza there at the little restaurant where they filmed Eat Prey love. So glad you’re having a wonderful time. Your mom and dad just left this morning after a whirlwind visit. Your mom and I got to walk around Friday at Dana point Harbor take care. I love you and I pray for your safety and we will see you soon love grandma. ❤️