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Hello everyone!
Ciao from Follonica! It’s been a busy week with classes, outreach, community dinners and adventures. I’m so grateful to be taught by incredible mentors and teachers. Paul taught us the importance of the gospel and why we need to evangelize. Alyssa then taught us how to dive deeper into the word through the inductive method. I also finished my first unit of nutrition and passed my test with a score of 100%. Our outreach this week consisted of a beach clean up, working at a food bank and passing out flyers inviting people to church. One very impactful moment from serving was during  our beach clean up. A man saw what we were doing and was super excited about it that he wanted to pay for all of us to get gelato. I absolutely love this not only because gelato is super delicious, but it truly displays the generosity of the people in Italy and it has made me think of more ways I can give to those around me. We all got treated to an authentic Italian dinner at one of the church members house. This night was 6 hours and included two appetizers, three pasta dishes and of course dessert! Lastly, we went to a small town in Tuscany to see the beautiful views and explore the quaint town. Overall, this week has been adjusting to a new rhythm with school and growing in deeper relationships with those around me. Thank you for your continued prayers and I hope that you see God’s blessings throughout this week!

Bailey Lawson

2 responses to “Jesus & Gelato”

  1. Bailey,
    I love your well written descriptions of (your) daily life and activities in beautiful Italy. It is wonderful to hear
    Of your experiences, and all you are learning and sharing.
    Love you,
    GMA M.

  2. Bailey, I am so glad that you have this opportunity to spread your love of Jesus and also see a part of the world that God has created for us. I am so proud of you and love the pictures and your narration of your travel. Love grandma Janie.