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Hi Friends!
I am so excited that you are wanting to join me in my experience to Italy through these blog posts. This trip is such an answered prayer as I have been dreaming, praying and desiring to go on an overseas mission trip for so long. My hope is  that through  following me along this incredible journey you may be inspired and encouraged to step out into the unknown and wait on God to do the rest. I hope that you would be able to witness God’s goodness, faithfulness, love, hope and joy through these posts. If you would like to support me during this time I would love prayer for our team and the people we minster too. Another big important thing to note is make sure to subscribe to my blog so that you don’t miss anything I post. I can’t wait to share with each one of you the awesome things God is doing!
Bailey Lawson

4 responses to “Join The Journey”

  1. So excited for you and all that God has in store for this journey!! Love you!

  2. So excited for you on this trip not only sharing your faith with others but the wonderful and beautiful country you will be going to. So different from the US and something you will want to go back to and visit again and again. Love you.

    • Hi Grandma!
      Thank you so much for your encouragement. I am so excited to share about my faith journey and also see the beauty of Italy. Love you so much!