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Hi Friends! 

I can’t believe it’s July already and I only have two more weeks left in Italy! Last week we started off with a great church service followed by the beach on Sunday. Monday we headed out to Syracuse to enjoy a boat ride, eat dinner and explore the cute town. Tuesday we had a great teaching on the power of healing along with a church conference later that night. Wednesday we heard from the founder of the World Race on how to share your testimony and then we had another powerful night at the conference. On the 4th of July we headed to the beach and had a ton of fun playing on the water obstacle course. After the beach we headed to the church to do some s’more’s, play corn hole and we had the wonderful surprise of watching Mt. Enta erupt.  Friday was a relaxing day with class, team time and ended the night with a delicious pistachio pasta dinner. Saturday was an adventure day where I got to hike an active volcano!! I definitely think that’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever done! I hope all of you had a wonderful week! 


Bailey Lawson 

One response to “Let The Fun Begin”

  1. I saw your post about the volcano eruption…what a unique and fun experience! I can’t believe it’s only 2 weeks left!