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Hello Everyone! 

This was my last week in Italy before I head back to my home in Tennessee! Yay! Last week started off slow after mass on Sunday with journaling, napping, and prayer. We then headed to a lovely pizza dinner hosted by one of the members of the parish we are working with. Monday was a student takeover day with a worship session, purpose discovery exercise, prayer walking and ending the night with a late night run to get gelato. Tuesday was a busy but fun day that consisted of serving at a local feeding program, working the youth summer games night, and then having a dinner with the youth leaders. Wednesday, we had classes as usual and then headed to worship night in the garden followed by a potluck. Thursday I got to lead our connect with God time which was super fun and then my roomies and I finally got to head to the beach to do some relaxing!Friday I led our team time where we shared pictures of our favorite vacation and goals we achieved. After, we headed off to celebrate a member in the parish’s 25th wedding anniversary where we ate lots of yummy food and did some karaoke and dancing. Saturday was the start of debriefing where we reflect on all the good, bad, and ugly. We are also learning what we want to implement from this trip into our lives when we get back home. I can’t wait to share all about this experience with all of you when I get back. Have a wonderful week! 

Bailey Lawson

2 responses to “Saying Goodbye”

  1. Bailey + gelato + Jesus = 🤩
    It sounds like you had a good balance of serving, relaxing, and Jesus time this week!

  2. I can’t wait to hear more about your trip and see photos! Sounds like you had a wonderful experience.

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